Horse Boarding

Timber Ridge Horse Boarding

Timberstalls Ridge offers spacious 12×14 box stalls with insulated water buckets, a 60×150 indoor riding arena with gates at both end for liberty work, a 66×196 fully enclosed outdoor riding arena, and miles of trails. A network of trails goes through the woods along edges of fields and borders the scenic Saco River.

Timber Ridge has large turnouts with round bales offered free choice in the winter and acres of grass in the summer. The stable has smaller dry paddocks available for those horses and ponies on food management programs, a nicer way of saying on diets. The stable owner feeds grain once or twice a day (with owner’s supplements), 4 to 6 flakes of hay depending on the horse’s needs and the winter temperature. There are late night barn checks where additional hay is given along with water top off. The larger pastures have Nelson waterers to insure clean, fresh water year round.

Board is $650 per month. Blanketing, vet and farrier needs, daily fly spray, and daily medical care are not included in board but can be negotiated.

Timber Ridge is also home to Timber Ridge German shepherds, and the horses not only learn to accept dogs but often learn to appreciate their company on trail rides around the stable grounds.